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WYOMING REALTORS® 2019 Final Legislative Report

Laurie Urbigkit (GAD)

The Wyoming Legislature has adjourned! I usually say for the year, but we’ve heard talk that when the Capitol renovation completes, they will call to order for a day or so in July. We did okay this session. All really, nasty tax bills were defeated. Some good ideas came forward but needed a bit more work before they could become law. First is the list of bills that passed. To read the full text of the bill, please click on the bill number. The bills now reflect the final version as enrolled and enacted. Then I’ve listed by number and title the ones that died. If you have additional questions, please text me at (307) 851-1191 or email me at I will be on my annual sabbatical for a while, but if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. As always, it’s been my pleasure representing you and private property rights in Wyoming!

Sponsored by: Harshman

AN ACT relating to administration of government; clarifying that the build Wyoming loan program is a revolving, continuing loan program; clarifying the amount of funds that may be loaned to political subdivisions for infrastructure projects and road or street projects; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Received for introduction, referred to the Minerals Committee, received a Do Pass recommendation; Passed House 51-8-1. Referred to the Senate Revenue Committee, recommended Do Pass, passed the Senate 20-9-1-0, on the Governor’s desk.

Sponsored By: Duncan

AN ACT relating to real estate subdivisions; amending exemptions for subdivisions; limiting the power of county commissioners regarding subdivision exemptions; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the House. Referred to the Senate Corporations Committee, recommended Do Pass, placed on General File. Passed the Senate 30-0 and signed by the Governor on 3/25, effective date is immediate upon all signing.

Sponsored by: MacGuire

AN ACT relating to real estate brokers; decreasing the length of time licensed real estate brokers must keep and maintain records of real estate transactions; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the House. Referred to the Senate Corporations Committee, recommended Do Pass, placed on General File. Passed the Senate 30-0, signed by the Governor on 3/25, effective date is July 1, 2019.

Sponsored By: Zwonitzer

AN ACT relating to the code of civil procedure; modifying provisions relating to the sale and redemption of realty sold under mortgage foreclosure or execution; creating a definition; authorizing a certificate of sale as specified; creating a purchaser's right of entry as specified; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the House; Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, recommended Do Pass, passed the Senate 29-0-1, on the Governor’s desk.


AN ACT relating to elections; modifying restriction on contribution of funds to political candidates for the general election as specified; modifying requirements for filing campaign reports as specified; requiring the filing of campaign reports relating to electioneering communications; amending campaign advertising provisions; repealing provisions relating to political speech by certain organizations; repealing archaic language; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the Senate 23-7; Referred to the Corporations Committee, recommended Do Pass, passed the House, signed by the Governor! DONE!

Sponsored By: LABOR

AN ACT relating to insurance; establishing licensing and fee requirements for multiple employer welfare arrangements as specified; providing rulemaking authority; specifying applicability; and providing for effective dates.


STATUS: Referred to the Labor Committee; passed the Senate 22-4. Referred to the Labor Committee in the House, received a Do Pass recommendation, passed the House 56-0-4 with amendments, awaiting concurrence. Passed and signed by the Governor. Done and done!

Sponsored By: Bebout

AN ACT relating to counties; exempting private schools from county zoning authority as specified; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the Senate; assigned to the House Corporations Committee, recommended Do Pass, placed on General File. Passed the House 33-26-1 amended. At this writing, still waiting to see if the Governor will sign. (side note for those of you who actually read my reports… I would bet money that he will sign it, or allow it to become law without his signature, just my guess..)

Sponsored By: Driskill

AN ACT relating to recreation liability; specifying that a landowner is not liable for damages or injuries to a third party caused by a person using the land for recreational purposes; specifying conditions under which a state lands lessee is not liable to users of improvements on those lands; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the Senate 28-0-2, Passed the House 56-0-4, Enrolled, and signed and enacted by the Governor. Effective date is July 1, 2019.

Sponsored By: Pappas

AN ACT relating to real estate appraisers; creating new definitions; authorizing the certified real estate appraiser board to allow temporary permits; modifying exam prerequisites and experience requirements; modifying provisions relating to management company registration and regulation; updating grounds for disciplinary proceedings; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the Senate 30-0. Referred to the House Corporations Committee, recommended Do Pass, passed the House, 56-0-4, Enrolled and enacted by the Governor’s signature. Done deal!

SF0111 Community Colleges – Bachelor of Advanced Science Degrees

Sponsored By: Nethercott

AN ACT relating to postsecondary education; amending authorized academic programs at the community colleges; providing for community college commission approval of the baccalaureate degree programs; conforming Hathaway scholarship statutes; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.


STATUS: Passed the Senate 28-2-0, Passed the House, slightly amended 51-8-1, concurred by the Senate 24-2-1, on the Governor’s desk.


HB0067 Sales tax revisions. Was not considered in Committee.

HB0068 School funding revenue.Was not considered in Committee.

HB0093 Tourism improvement districts. Died in the Senate (likely retaliation for the House killing Community Improvement Districts.)

HB0105 Municipal services recovery actions. Failed in the House 24-34-2

HB0127 Tax Refund to Elderly & Disabled Failed in the Senate 10-16-4

HB0128 Senior Property Tax Exemption Failed in the House 20-37-3

HB0149 Abandoned buildings revitalization. Died in Senate Committee, is being considered as an interim topic.

HB0184 Private roads. Died in House Committee.

HB0188 Cities and towns-zoning protests. Died in House Committee.

HJ0008 Free and fair elections. Died in Senate Committee.

SF0012 Business licensing fees. Died in Senate Committee.

SF0016 Community development districts. Failed in the House 25-31-4

SJ0005 Homeowners bill of rights Failed in Senate Committee

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