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BOD Reports January 2023 Meeting


Below the reports from the Board of Directors Meeting January 23rd, 2023 in Cheyenne, Wy.

REALTOR® Branding & Resources

A takeback from state leadership from many of the National Meetings and feedback from around the nation is the name of REALTOR® holds a lot of power along with responsibility. There are many resources out there for our members to use that educate consumers on the benefits of using REALTORS®. The sites,, and have resources for our members to use to spread the importance of REALTOR® membership. NAR has also partnered with Photofy and members have access to free marketing materials using the REALTOR® R and That’s Who We R ® slogan.

Legislative Issues

Laurie Urbigkit, GAD, Wyoming Legislative Session has begun for 2023. The Wyoming REALTORS® are strongly supporting a constitutional amendment that would allow for a fourth tax tier on property, which would cover residential individually. NAR had done a state-wide poll for Wyoming, at no cost to our association on this issue and the results were 75% for a constitutional amendment adding this additional tax tier. There are many new faces in the Wyoming legislator and meeting and networking with those new faces is a very important goal. Please watch for Laurie’s weekly legislative updates from Laurie, on the Hot Topics page, and Facebook.

Legislative Meetings

Wyoming REALTORS® Legislative Meetings were held January 23rd – 24th, 2023. There were 145 members registered, are most to date! The reception was attended by many of the legislators which had positive feedback. Unfortunately, Governor Gordon was not able to make it due to illness but Region XI Vice President, Kevin Sigstad, 2024 NAR President, Tracy Kasper, WREC Director, Nick Barker, CRS President, Pam Ruggeroli and Government Affairs Director, Laurie Urbigkit were able to speak throughout the event. The Cheyenne Board of REALTORS® CE courses on the 25th were well attended.

Riding with the Brand

The Riding with the Brand event went wonderfully and was a ton of fun. The cornhole tournament raised $320 for the Bob Galley Foundation. The Hi-Lo Board raised $210 for the Bob Galley Foundation. There was a lot of great REALTOR® spirit through the entire event. A huge thanks to Tami Galitz and Mistie Woods for helping with so much of the planning and goodies for our guests. Joshua Kalinowski did a great keynote and Tracy Kasper reminded us what it means to be a REALTOR® and fight for the importance of REALTORS®.


Wyoming REALTORS® PAC is the largest Political Action Committee in the state of Wyoming with an 80% success rate. The 2023 Legislative Meetings winner was Darin Smith, a first time major investor! The event raised $26, 400 for RPAC.

The 2023 RPAC fundraising goal is $165,000.

CRS Chapter

Mistie Woods, Buck Wilson, Angela Wilson, and Jill Kamber-Knox have all been sworn in to represent the Wyoming CRS Chapter. The CRS Chapter will be bringing events and a strong CRS presence to the state of Wyoming.

CEO Search

Steven Beazley has announced his retirement from the Wyoming REALTORS® at the Region XI meetings in Orlando. Duncan Bonine, Immediate Past President, is chairing the committee to do a formal CEO search in 2023.

Region XI Conference Reno, NV

The Region XI Conference and Expo will be held at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, NV April 10-12, 2023. Content will begin on Tuesday, leaving Monday the 10th as a travel day. Wednesday will be a half day of conference meetings and then BOD Meeting from 1-4 pm. Registration is $199 and hotel rates start at $74 a night. To register please visit,


Jezria Latham, State Association Strength, will be chairing a PAG to review the RPAC Chair, and other chair positions and recognition on these chairs.

Wyoming Real Estate Commission

Staff from the Wyoming Real Estate Commission were in attendance to the 2023 Legislative Meetings; Nick Barker, Charlie O’Grady, and Kamron Ritter. They are currently in the process of hiring a licensing coordinator. WREC also wants to remind local boards that there is education grants that can be used to host courses in your areas.

Wyoming REALTORS® Conference and Expo

The Wyoming REALTORS® Conference and Expo is scheduled for September 19th – 22nd, 2023 at the Little America Hotel in Cheyenne, Wy. The beginning steps of planning have started and the week will include great networking, education and a top -notch keynote speaker this year.

Sponsorship opportunities are available and if sponsorships are secured by May they will be included on the Save the Date email , depending on level of Sponsorship.

There will also be the opportunity to sponsor the keynote speaker.

We look forward to working with our great affiliates and bringing a great event to Cheyenne, Wy. Prospective sponsors can contact the Wyoming REALTORS® office to get more information.

Upcoming Events

Association Executive Institute – March 17th-20th, 2023 – Seattle, WA

Region XI Meetings – April 10th – 12th, 2023 – Reno, NV

NAR Legislative Meetings (RLM) – May 6th – 10th, 2023 – Washington, DC

Leadership Summit – August 14th – 15th, 2023, Chicago, IL

Wyoming REALTORS® Conference & Expo – September 19th- 22nd, 2023 – Cheyenne, Wy

NAR NXT Conference – November 12th – 17th, 2023 – Anaheim, CA

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