Last Update 6/28/2020
Wyoming REALTOR members and affiliates, the current state of regular operations and management of everyone's daily lives in the workforce and at home has been drastically shaken up within weeks. As we have seen many updates and changes happen day by day not only nationally but within our state we have decided to keep this thread of updates from sources that we are following on the next steps to continue being the voice for real estate in Wyoming.
Please reach out to us at any time with any questions and we will do our best to assist and help.
NAR Resiliency Report 8/6/2020
Please follow the link here to find releases from the National Association of REALTORS related to the coronavirus for REALTORS, Associations, and general public:
2020 NAR Legislative Meetings May 11-16 in Washington, DC has been Cancelled
2020 Region XI Leadership Meetings April 13-15 in Las Vegas, NV has been Cancelled
2020 NAR Conference and Expo November 11-16 in New Orleans, LA has been Cancelled
Wyoming Resources
Wyoming Department of Health
Please follow the link below to see the latest news from the Wyoming Department of Health,
State of Wyoming Covid-19 Resource page,
Center for Disease Control
Please follow this link to visit the CDC's site for Coronavirus updates,
US Chamber of Commerce
With best wishes,
The Wyoming REALTOR Staff
